Friday, May 20, 2011


I was lamenting recently...because I do that a lot.  Lament.  About the state of our nation.  HA.  No.  I was lamenting about the lack of follow through at my current job.  Well, I don't want to lay all the blame on my current position.  I think the education world overall suffers from a lack of follow through.  I mean HEY, they even wrote a cliche about it.  "Easier said that done."  And gosh isn't that true.  People in education like to talk a lot.  I mean duh.  Teachers talk.  It's part of the learning process.  I like to put some motion into my talking.  Which is sort of like FOLLOW THROUGH.  Then my energetic friend reminded me that somebody even wrote a song about it.

                                                         See!  Hear!!

While I don't love that song.  I do love it's message.  Which brings me to my next rant about the beloved SouthWORST airlines.  If you're an avid fan of the my cyber musings you may recall the April Vacation debacle that was put in motion by my delayed SouthWORST flight.  Luckily, (or so I thought) my ticket was fully refunded.  I just had to wait 4 weeks for the credit to my bank account.  As I'm sure you can imagine fans that time has passed.  And still no money.  Why?  No follow through. 
  Yesterday I called the SouthWORST customer helpline and they had no record of my refund.  They could see that I hadn't taken the flight and that it had been delayed over two hours.  But no money.  Now I have to go through a completely different channel to resubmit my refund.  Fantastic. 

  Last night I wrote most of this post and it got deleted.  Today...because I want to emulate the power of follow through.  Finish what I started and keep tabs on it until completion.  I could write an entire script based on what my students say while I listen to them talk.  But alas, I must attend to other things.  More updates soon!

A la prochaine!

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