Thursday, April 29, 2010

Strikes and Gutters

Interestingly...I've been bowling twice in the past month.  Something I hadn't done for about 10 years.  My first time back in the lanes I bowled miserably...maybe my score broke 45. LAME!  On my second attempt (at a friend's birthday party) I was slightly improved and it got me thinking...Online dating is something that can happen in drips and drabs.  Good dates and bad.  Since my last foray into the scene I've been laying a little low.  For whatever reason I was letting my hilarious but often fruitless dates get me down.  But I learned a lesson.  When you don't do something for a long time that you already weren't very good at you ultimately get worse.  Obvious yes.  But think about it.  We often shy away from things we don't like or feel overwhelmed by.  Especially as adults when people aren't forcing us to do and try new things.  We often don't. 

That being said, online dating can be a self esteem killer.  There is a high level of weirdO's and several dates end after one or two.  I had a co-worker once who said, it's a numbers game.  If you throw your line out enough times, you will eventually get a fish.  But since I'm not even good at updating my blog about online dating that is supposed to be getting me a book deal then....snap, where am I?

So fans, there you have it.  A recommittment of sorts.  To the blog and online dating and  I'm sitting here watching my students take standardized tests.  Most of them finish in 15 minutes even though the test should take them about an hour.  Are they overwhelmed?  Do they just not get it?  Have they given up on themselves at the ripe age of 13?  All of those questions kind of scare me.  But how can I expect them to trust themselves.  When I have trouble doing it myself. 

The next date which I believe is number 10 is on Friday.  I will blog about it.  Fear not fans!!  The online dating continues....until keep reading.  And harrass me when I don't update.
