Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This games is waaay closer than it needs to be...

Well, I had to take the weekend off because my family was in town.  More specifically my parents.  Who are hilarious.  My mom lost her sweater.  She wore it yesterday hung it up last night and when she went to pack today she couldn't find it anywhere.  I think it jumped ship and wanted to stay in California.  There are lots of funny stories to tell about my parents.  The best one involves me having to park and repark my car because my father claimed it was too far from the curb.  Then while I'm backing up for about the 4th time my mother decides to open the back door (you know so she can check how far away I am from the curb).  Which to me sounds like I'm crunching the bumper of the car behind me.  This causes me to slam on the breaks.  Or the fact that it literally takes 45 minutes for my parents to get ANYWHERE.  Luckily I have inherited their timeliness so it doesn't bother me too much.  Still.  Still.

Today's Question:  What do you do while waiting in line?  Answer:  Get really frustrated!  Sometimes I play with my un-smart phone.  But then I feel guilty about occupying the "me-time" of waiting on line with text messagings that end up costing me money.  I dislike waiting in line.  Just like I dislike getting stuck in traffic.  I have a lot of patience that gets used up in my job.  It can't seem to find a way to maintain patience for other things in my life...like waiting in line.

This is the inner monologue that exists while I wait in line:  "It's not a big deal.  It's just a line.  Everyone else is waiting.  Let's see if I can find someone's conversation to eaves drop on...is that guy looking at me?  Maybe he thinks I'm staring at him because I'm waiting in line with nothing to do.  He is kind of cute though.  I'll just look away now though so he doesn't think I'm creepy.  This line hasn't moved yet.  I will probably have to wait on this line until the end of time.  I can't get mad about this.  It's just waiting in line.  The conversation going on behind me is ridiculous.  I really want to turn around and say something.  I shouldn't do that but I want to.  When was the last time I cleaned my oven?  Do I even know how to clean an oven?  Did that woman just cut the line?"  And so it goes.  Since I've been lacking with the posts lately here are some other things I think about connected to waiting in line.

A la prochaine! 

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