Monday, April 18, 2011

Inch by Inch and Row by Row

Today's Question:  If you could have a tree in your yard that would sprout anything, what type of tree would you have?

  Well clearly I've never kept any goals in my life.  Well that isn't really true.  I make and meet several of my professional goals.  Well, most of the time.  But I refuse to give up.  Even if I skip a couple days.  Today was my first day back from vacation.  And though I tried to maintain my relaxation mode by about 10AM I had put up a line of blue tape visually marking the space bubble I needed.  So yeah.  I needed some serious deep breathes.  

I'm not going with the obvious answer on today's question.  If there was a tree in my yard I would want it to sprout colored feathers to decorate my house.  But that would probably get really messy.  It would also just love a tree that sprouted grapefruits.  Then I could squeeze them and make grapefruit juice.  Then if I had a champagne factory I could make delicious greyhounds for myself and my friends every once and a while.  It would be awesome to have a money tree.  But no matter which way I envision it, that story ends badly!  It would be awesome to have a tree that sprouted plane tickets!  Or sprouted some mode of transportation back to the East coast that was efficient.  That's the tree I'm really wanting for most of the time.  

It's Monday night which means it's sausage time.  My friend dj's at a Sausage bar not to far from my house and sometimes the best pick-you-up is a truffle sausage and/or a beer.  What if I go there tonight and Peter Dinklage is there?  I totally have the hots for him.  And seeing him as a studly-whoring Prince in Game of Thrones really wet me whistle!


Ok, there are playoffs to watch and work to avoid doing!  A la prochaine!


  1. I would ask for a tree that sprouts term papers.

  2. Today I'm thinking I'd want a tree that sprouts IEP's!!!
