I thought about updating my blog several times this week. Somehow I never made it happen. I've been writing every morning but those are not blog thoughts. I know in order to maintain my fans I have to update my blog thoughts on a fairly regular basis. But a weekly update isn't too bad. I think my personal goal will be to never go longer than one week. You know without updating.
Plus I'm so far behind on my blog prompts at this point I'll never run out of stuff to answer. Either way I'm chipping away at my goal. Keeping things on here fresh and international! Bring the people what they don't even realize they need. Yesterday I won 8 dollars and 75 cents at the Kentucky Derby. I channeled a winning bet and went with Nehro for a Place. Which actually happened. The only problem: I only bet two dollars. I should have been more sure of myself and I might have had a bundle of cashOLA. That being said, betting really isn't my thing. I understand very little of what I'm doing and only win money occasionally. I'd give anything to be a card shark though...or a pool shark. Oh yeah. I fantasize about being a ringer. Also, Derby hats are hilarious! For example,

And Derby Pie--something I'd never tasted, DELICIOUS!!! It tastes like a giant chocolate chip cookie with pecans and a pie crust. This photo is an accurate representation of the pie I ate--minus the whip cream. It appears to be fairly easy to make. Another tasty item at the Derby party was Bourbon punch. I'm not much of a bourbon drinker but the punch was yummy and had a nice kick at the finish.
Today is MOTHER's DAY! God bless all mothers. The thing is I love my mom everyday. It would have been nice to make my mom a good meal tonight. Or bring her flowers. Unfortunately she lives pretty far away. People on facebook were doing all kinds of things to commemorate mothers. Changing profile pictures, posting touching status updates. Since I was far away from my mother today I decided to do lots of things that would make her proud. I ate a good breakfast. Wore my sweater when it got a little chilly. Took a walk and got some exercise. Didn't watch too much TV. Took my vitamins. Cleaned up my apartment. Now I'm updating my blog...which if my mom knew about she would probably remind me to do that as well.
Oh Sunday night at 10:30pm. You're always hear. Waiting for me. It probably doesn't help that I took a nap from 3pm-6pm (blame it on the all-all-allergies). Now comes the witching hour where I justify not even touching all the work I brought home. Negotiate why I haven't even started doing my laundry. It's going to be fun finding an outfit to wear tomorrow. My most fashion forward outfits are born out of having no clean clothes.
Monday is the beginning of the California State of Emergency.

It's a week long sort of protest thing about the state of Education in California. I'm going to be posting stuff about it on face book tomorrow, just to get the info out of my social media crews. Monday is call your Legislator Day. Tuesday is a Mall Grade In at local malls across the state. We're flash mobbing the Food Court baby! Wednesday is all about showing appreciation for the other unions and non-teachers who support teachers and Education, like administrators, office ladies, custodians, instructional aides, bus drivers. Thursday is more information giving, handing out fliers and making signs because Friday the 13th (duh nuh nuh) is the March in San Francisco. I'm going all in for this one. I figure the only way to experience it is to go for the gusto. There are some Union members who are occupying state buildings in Sacremento. If you're really interested read more here:
Teacherprotest some of the comments after the article are nuts! People have such strong opinions.
And on that note, I should be going to bed. A la prochaine!
That's my MAMA!!!!