So, a summer in review, mainly based on a loose time line I have created. My summer falls into four sections. I find it appropriate to give each section two names.
Summer of 2010 Part I: Summer School i.e. Having a excuse to wake up for World Cup games.
The World Cup came and went. And as with every four years, it was awesome! I was really rooting for North Korea but mostly I wanted to see a team that has never won before win. So that happened and it was awesome. Total feel good moment! Favorite two parts of the Cup: France's team (Mais qu'est-ce qui passe?) and the sports anchors 30 second pitch for South America as the final word of the cup. Heartfelt, unedited and raw! And summer school was a mild distraction during the cup. It was good though. The kids were super special and totally awesome.
Summer of 2010 Part II: Dog Sitting i.e. Deciding to move
Next stop on the Stay part of my vacation was dog sitting for my friend. Her dog is my best bud and we spent quality time walking around her neighborhood, getting lost, and barking at the mailman. Well she barked and I egged her on. I spent about three weeks living in Oakland and basically decided I 100% needed to move. I already had thought this would be a good idea but I began to realize how to make my plan take action. So I went to look at a bunch of apartments. Hated them all. Started to feel overwhelmed. Then, changed my plan of action.
Summer of 2010 Part III: Moving Day i.e. It ain't life if there isn't a time crunch
After giving up on finding an apartment through craigs list I returned to the old fashioned way. Pounding pavement. Or really driving around different neighborhoods and writing down the phone number for any available apartment. It worked amazingly well! Found a place in about 2 days. Realized I had to give my 30 day notice about 28 days too late. Threw some cash into the wind and moved all my shit. With the help of three all star friends! Then decided, "Hey! I'm going to Boston two days after I move". Why not? Right. Right.
Which brings us to.......wait for it......
Summer of 2010 Part IV: The joys of home i.e. It's been a month this has been sitting in my edit box clearly I don't value blogging.
That's right folks. Summer is OVER. That's O (oh) V (vee) E (eeeee) R (arrrrgh). I did go to see Arcade Fire last night. That was fun. And this is the only way I can figure out how to post the video so my sister can see.
I'm back folks. The blog begins again and again and again and again...BUT THIS TIME FOR REAL!!!!
Don't break my heart again with a faulty beginning.