Moving on. I'm not so great a blogging. I'm really trying folks. I must win this battle.
Like the ocean triumphs over the land
I've gotten really into using visual supports with my students this year. Literally I support them....with my eyes. No. Usually if we're reading a story, or creating a classroom rule I try to create a picture that helps illustrate whatever is written. I have no gift for the visual arts. I think I've mastered through the level of stick figure. So I end up spending a lot of time of google image search. And it is amazing. For example, when I type in the word solemn many things pop up. A sad faced homeless woman. People marching at a funeral. Other serious things. But there are some words that my students don't know that aren't easily defined by pictures. For example, avoid, I get a bunch of pictures that look like this:

Students you must AVOID the white man....actually, that might not be bad advice. But I digress, so I'm getting really into google image search and I have a pet turtle named Squishy. Two completely unrelated things, I know. Squishy is my class pet. I don't have an actual photo of him but he looks a little like this:
But he's also much bigger. Last week I decided he was having neck problems. Trust me readers, his neck looked weird. So I decided to google image search, "Red ear slider necks". I don't know why but I did. And then I got caught by my student. He said, "Why are you looking up pictures of 'turtle necks'?" He suggested I type in "fat neck" I don't know why I listened to him. Safe to say fair readers, maybe you should google image search fat neck. It's bizarre. And on that note, I'm off.
There are bigger fish to fry and flag football games to supervise. A la prochaine!