Saturday, November 20, 2010

And besides, you're not the only one and it isn't that bad.

One of my favorite quotes for the past ten years.  People usually hate it when you say it to them especially if they are complaining about something which to them appears to be a big deal.  And it really isn't.  Because honestly most things we complain about aren't.  And it's almost certain you aren't the only person going through it.

  Turns out I'm not the only one deeply touched by Willow Smith's anthem to the youth...which according to my 11-13 year old sources "has been out for at least 6 months".

It's seriously hilarious.  Best part I was watching it at work with my co-workers and this is how the conversation went:

CoWorker 1:  Now Jimmy Fallon is doing a good Neil Young but he doesn't really look like him.  The face is all wrong.  But that guy is doing an awesome Bruce.

CoWorker 2: Yeah, I don't know who he got to play the Boss but he sounds just like him. 

  Yes folks, IT IS Bruce Springsteen.  FYI: spell check just dinged me when I accidentally left the G out of his name.  I thought last names weren't in spell check.  Mine always gets the red squiggly line.  I guess when you get to a certain level of fame the enter your name in the spell check database.  On that line of thought, is there a spell check database?  Each year new words are supposedly entered in the dictionary.  Or each time they do a reprint of Ye Ole Websters or American Heritage or  I wonder.  Is spell check a computer program or is it actual people?  I bet there is a Google (which has the red squiggly line until I capitalized that G)  article about spell check somewhere.

  The idea we're tackling this week is SELF IMPORTANCE.  Yes you are great!  Yes you are important!  Some people take it way too far.  Myself included (at times).  I take issue with Katy Perry.  And not just because she spells our name with a Y.  I just watched her video "Firework" on my sisters tumblr page.  The message is in the right place but the fireworks shooting from her breasts really held my focus.  This is what teens watch.  And they are an influential group, in advertising, in media, (which are basically the same thing to me at this point) in fashion (check out that little chick who has a fashion blog, Tavi Gevinson) and one thing many teens subscribe to is SELF IMPORTANCE.  You are a firework! You must spread your light and shine forth.  Do the right thing!  But do it in your best interest and for the good of the people??  These are complicated messages.  But they go out to teens everyday.  It's a bit of a superficial dip into a much larger issue but the point of my blog is not to answer your questions.  It's to make you think about things.
  I started this blog thinking about the dating world.  And it's been a year.  Since then a lot has changed on my blog.  I found the cyber dating world to be a simultaneously scary and funny place.  Lately I've been thinking about setting up more dates just for the stories.  Now I think the blog needs to be a vehicle for people to know all the important things I think in my head!  And besides, I'm not the only one and truly it isn't that bad!!  

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Whip MY hair...

When I was in college or just recently graduated the song 'Too Little, Too Late' was  all over the airwaves.  It was a song by JoJo who I think was maybe 12...possibly 13.  But seriously readers, her lyrics spoke to me and many other women much much older than 13.  Now we have a new selection by a delightful tween who sums it up pretty good.  "Don't let haters keep me off my grind.  Keep my head up I know I'll be fine.  Keep fighting until I get there.  When I'm down and I feel like giving up I think again"
  Truth: Wisdom comes at any age.  Second truth:  The way people behave in middle school (the tween age) is just a base line for how they will behave for the rest of their life.  I'm really starting to believe that second truth.  Not to say that people can't change.  They absolutely can but it's difficult and most people prefer to remain in their comfort zone.

  Speaking of comfort zones, I recently attended a concert that did EVERYTHING IN IT'S POWER to transcend people's comfort zones.  Far far away from the world of Willow Smith (which I'm just realizing is a bizarre name play on her father's name) exists Of Montreal.  A great band I definitely recommend checking out but definitely not for the conservative minded or faint hearted.  The lead man, Kevin Barnes, is an according to my brother a straight man.  I'd like to add with homosexual tendencies even though after this show I think he might just be done to experience whatever life brings.  Here are some photos: 

The beginning...

I think this when the Sunshine people came out.

Gold body suits are totally rad and I think I helped them make those sun heads in my classroom on Friday.

Janelle Monae is BOSS!!

Sometimes you just gotta ride away on your people rhino.
When it was all said and done I was entertained, heard good music, but also felt as if I had attended a higher budget GSP theater show.  (I have no idea if any of my readers know what GSP theater is, it's the low-budget theater group I was involved with in college).  Even at NYU there had to be a band of drama misfits that didn't apply to Tisch and couldn't even get accepted to the College of Arts and Sciences until Junior year...but I digress.

 The show was so bizarro out there I thought: "This must be what doing acid is like."  Because truth 3: I've never done acid.  But I imagine Kevin Barnes has and that is when he created this show.  The overall goal was to make people a little uncomfortable.   I whip my hair at people who can't transcend their comfort zone.  Does that mean that I'm comfortable making other people uncomfortable?  I guess I need to start behaving very normal in order to make myself take things to the next level.  Ok Haterzz here I go....